대표 논문
-Analyzing Customer Behavior from Shopping Path Data Using Operation Edit Distance, Applied Intelligence, the Int’ Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Complex Problem-Solving Technologies, Vol.48, No.8, Aug. 2018, Springer
-Emotion Recognition from Text using Deep Neural Networks, The Korea Industrial Engineering Society, Spring Conference, April 1, 2018
-Customer Purchasing Behavior Analysis as Alternatives for Supporting in-Store Green Marketing Decision Making, Journal of Substantiality, Vol.9, No.11, Nov. 2017
-Development of Long Short Term Memory for detecting Human Emotion in dialogue, Korea BI/Data Mining Society, Fall Conference, 2017
-A Practical Approach to Shopping Path Clustering, Current Approaches in Applied Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligence, 9101, June, 2015, Springer.
-A Sequence Pattern Matching approach to Shopping Path Clustering, Proceedings of the Int’ Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2012.
-A New Approach to Spatial Pattern Clustering based on Longest Common Subsequence with applications to a grocery, IE Interface, Dec. 2011
-Shoppers' Moving Path Analysis in a Grocery using RFID data, Proceedings of the Int’ Conference on Robust Statistics, June 2011, Valladolid, Spain.
-Shopping Path Pattern Analysis in a Grocery, Int’ Conference on Challenges in Statistics and Operations Research, March 2011, Kuwait University, Kuwait.
-Development of the Intelligent Grocery Analysis systems(i-GAS) for enhancing the Grocery Service Operation, Proceedings in the Int’ Conference on Logistics and Transport, Dec. 2011, Queenstown, New Zealand
동국대학교 대학원 핀테크블록체인학과 교수
Carnegie Mellon University, Dept’ of Machine Learning 연구교수 역임
University of Virginia, Dept’ of information & Systems Engineering 연구교수 역임
University of California, Irvine, Dept’ of Computer Science 연구교수 역임
Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, IT & Enterpreneurship program 이수
General Chair, The 28th Int’ conference on Industrial, Engineering & applications of applied Intelligent
Systems, IEA/AIE 2015, June 2015, Seoul, Korea
한국데이터마이닝학회 회장 역임
한국 IT서비스학회 부회장 역임
대한산업공학회 이사 역임
한국생산관리학회 상임이사 역임
한국 RFID/USN협회 자문교수 역임
한국보건복지정보개발원 IT전문위원 역임
지식경제부 기술혁신 평가위원 역임
정보통신산업진흥원 평가위원 역임
한국표준협회 서비스대상심사위원 역임
한국능률협회 국가품질상 심사위원 역임
소프트웨어공제조합 자문교수 역임
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